Now now ... more of some designe.... i am really tired of having those black still damn same headphones ... but its really found headphones when you say "YES!This is it!"
Well here I am going to solve this problem.
Back to lovely designers from China - my very favorites and once more from Hong Kong let me introduce to project of Mr.StanleyNg and Mr.Wai Chiu.
This project is leting you make youre very own designe of headphones in one or many colores just the way you would like that.
All you have to do is visit websites of this project (link is below) and through program they invented designed your headphones and bought them .

Peace out
2 komentáře:
yeay, I also saw colorful headphones in shape of candy. It looked so good.
i love this project so much i hope ill be able to create one pair :-) colorefull are the best :-)