Now guys .... there are horrible two weeks of learning ahead of me because of graduation exams but still i wont let school abuse me as well as Ricardo Boffil didnt let Factory abuse them ...
Now check out what kind of miracle they did with one of ugly factories which are thousands just in this state .....
Also heres some song for you to make this update better
Sugar Factory by Sugar Factory band
let get to some photos but before that just a little bunch of information this "factory" was designed by amazing architect Richardo Boffil one of my very very famoviret and this place is in Barcelona,Spain whats not really suprising and was finished in 1975 now that really amazing for this time ! such a modern and creative way of building ....






pic.7 [Factory before]

pic.8 [Factory Now]

So I hope you like it as much as me and if so be sure to check http://www.ricardobofill.com/ because hes very active and definitely creative !
peace out
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