OH MY GOD! I mean OH MY LOORD! What a great time I (we) had! I just really missed that Mira couldn't make it! But hey October is so close! Anyway unfortunately we missed first day but no big harm done - because Friday was good ! We got into areal bit late so it was only little from Nouvelle Vogue and Alhpaville but really great! Then we saw Nightwork - Dyk is really funny they even made whole Sázava exercise aerobic with them - and i mean this! Aaand liittle but of kosheen - awesome!
As Far as Friday was fun - Saturday was epic! When i came in to meet girls Jazzanova was already playin' and maaan that was relax and chillin' all over that place really great music!
The greatest thing on Sázava was that after half of year i've go to see my friends - altought one of them couldnt make it :( and i was really sad from this fact it was such a great tiiime !!!
pic.3 Me & Jolene

pic.5. Me & Ana & Katja
But of course our biggest moment was Hurts show! we suffered through Jana Kirchner and many hours of waiting but we were in very front rows! Right infront of Theo! Show was truly amazing! Theo, Adam , Richard and rest of musicians were simply amazing! I was taken for my heart when Theo kinda cuddle czech flag - that was so sweet :D So much fun !
During festival i've been very lucky and got to meet some very special people for me! I was sooo sooo happy!
pic.6 me & Adam

Hurts - Blood Tears and Gold
Hurts - Verona
Hurts - Silver Lining
The Subways - Young For Eternity
Nightwork - It's My Life (Dj Bobo cover)
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