středa 20. července 2011

International Outdoor Drama Festival Day1

Well Day1 at least for me... unfortunatelly i wasnt able to reach first two days and today i could see only one performance because all the time was raining heavily and i was horribly cold !

But it worth it!
Theater Company from SLOVENIA called ANA MONRO THEATRE played drama called "The Cage" and it really was so much fun ! I loved that even if i was wet as a damn hen!! Here are some photos for you - hopefully tomorrow ill be albe to give you more info :-)

Funny thing was that this play was sort of like police investigation so many people were like "whats happening over there?" and they were totaly comfused! wondering whats happening :D and main actor was still like "Don't panic! We've got everything under controle!"
it was really funny play!

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