pondělí 26. září 2011

Let me Introduce You ....

Paloma Faith - New York by lateralmgmt

Well summer is def gone and I am kind of back to some schedule I created myself and to it belongs this blog.
So this time I'd love to introduce you designer Pavel Sidorenko.
This extremly talented young artist is from Estonia and the reason he made me his fan are 'RE_VINYLs'

Re_Vinil is product which combines old and modern fashion. While Vinyls are old its design is very new! Also thanks to very different themes (animals, scenography...) it can fit interiers quite easily! Its not that expensive either!





Those are just few models, if you are interested check out his website
pavel-sidorenko.com | also he's shipping worldwide!

So I hope you liked this suggestion
Peace Out

2 komentáře:

Zuzka M. řekl(a)...

the one with the numbers is fucking SWEET

Retro_vold řekl(a)...

I agree, my fav is with like cuted band its really nice and like i said quite good prices! :-)