neděle 4. prosince 2011

Machine is takin' over me!

I mean it - in many ways! For first I am pretty sure Im turning into one since i am having 3 jobs at the moment, but its fun, as long as I am exhausting myself I have no time to doubt myself and shits like that.
Honnestly when I am not working I start to think about universe and stuffs like that and I start to go loco. Also with 3 jobs together i am still having shit of money (haha)

Another machine is movie-like. Its few days but I went to cinema see Real Steal! And people I liked that and WB better watch it because i want these robot-bet-thingys in 2020! |date is creepy btw|
Real Steel is movie about robotic fighters replacing people in boxing rings. Main role Hugh Jackman! In cinemas now.

High point of machine is Florence! Because its not that long they released new album called
'CEREMONIALS' and people it's eargasm really. I love each song on this album and it is very rare thing to happen! Also she's really huge idol for me!

It has so different and yet same sound as Lungs. Flo's voice is really mygical and their way to create music makes me feel very good. Always I listen to their songs i feel so deep in music I dont even realize anything around me - just the sounds!
And for me - thats result i would like to reach as musician (haha -what?!) - one day.
For now - I congratulate Flo and all her machines.
Florence + The Machine are band from UK which started their career in 2007. Debut Lungs totaly took me and you should all buy it! Florence also sang on Grammys or their song - Heavy In Your Arms was also used on one of Twilight OST's

Also breaking new from Méry - I am working in Bontonland and i adore it. People asking me about music me giving them advices! Its fun - whole day around music love it :)

1 komentář:

Suzí řekl(a)...

wooooo I love your new blog design ^^